There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of what the best online marketing strategy is. However, by understanding the different needs of different business segments, you can get a good idea of what might work best for your company. Most importantly, understand your objective, is it to gain awareness, boost sales, get leads, or get physical store visits?

Online marketing solutions are everywhere now, and it has developed into many different types of format for marketers out there to leverage. These marketing solutions will only be best leveraged when you understand your business’s marketing objectives, together with the pros & cons of each online marketing solution. Here we have listed a few primary ads and online marketing strategies that you can use when considering your online marketing solutions:

Food & Beverage Store Owners

With the current trend, I believe no one is not familiar with Publisher Content Write ups, commonly known as Advertorials. Having a well-followed publisher to write and promote your business is one of the quickest ways to get share-of-voice in the community. Besides, Tiktok food bloggers are now crafting the way users seek for new cafes, restaurants, and secluded places they never knew that serve good food. So hiring a food blogging KOL is one of the best approaches to bringing your newly launched store up to the market! Last but not least, you have to engage with a good social media management agency or have a team that produces good content to keep your social presence active and interesting. Running ads is definitely another way to grow your business’s online presence.

E-commerce Store Owners (Shopee, Lazada, Ecommerce Marketplace)

Believe it or not, we know the best for this. For business owners who are starting a new business online with all of the 3rd party tools and platforms, you will definitely need to look at a bigger picture and wider horizon to start your business right. There are plenty of ad formats that have been crafted by the system which you can utilize to boost sales. Have you heard of Facebook CPAS & Dynamic ads? These ad formats require a professional setup between your team and the platform manager itself. This ad format allows your ads to target people who would most likely make purchases online, and to your product. Hence CPAS & Dynamic Ad are one of the best solutions an e-commerce store owner can use. Regardless of the ads, you should also focus on investing in a great content team to build your Social Media Page with great designs and captions to attract the right audience. In addition, Google Performance Max Campaign has proven to be one of the highest conversion rate ad formats available in the market, the theory behind is simply that people who are actively searching for the relevant keywords are proactive customers who are looking for your kind of product, hence if you get to bid for being the top search result when people look for something, you are already 80% close to closing sales!

When you want to improve website traffic

This objective is very clear, and straightforward. Here are a few ad formats that you can just use and see your website traffic picking up from 0:

1. Google SEM: Quality Audience & Conversion
2. Social Media Traffic Ads
3. Google Discovery Ads

These ad formats are here to help you boost traffic to your website, but note that you will need a good targeting plan, to make sure your investment doesn’t go wasted serving your ads to unnecessary audiences.

Corporate Branding & B2B Leads Generation

Now here comes the tricky part for B2B clients. It’s always a struggle on where to actually get B2B leads and also how to build up the impression & reputation of your corporation to the market, especially when the market is not too saturated with marketing solutions for B2C, so where do we see B2B coming in? For us, we have been assisting a few clients in this and here are a few solutions/ad formats we think you and consider running with some results we have gotten so far:

1. Google SEM
2. Microsoft Bing Search
3. Taboola Native Ads
4. Linkedin Lead Generation
5. Affiliate Marketing CPL Model

Awareness Only

Here we are talking about clients or businesses who are merely looking for running awareness campaigns to boost their market presence and promotion messages. Basically, any ads you run do help in bringing awareness, some of these below help more, but you will need to compromise that these ads does not bring direct sales contribution:

1. Programmatic Banner Ads
2. YouTube Ads
3. Tiktok Ads
4. KOL / Influencers
5. Social Media Engagement Ads
6. Publisher Content Write Up

So here we conclude our blog and insights today. Hope that you will be able to find the perfect match of ads for your own business. But bear in mind, in any way you need professional help in planning a good online marketing plan, you can always come to DoMedia Asia! Talk to you soon!